Happy Easter!
(So that I could enjoy Easter with my family, I wrote this post in advance.)
What a lazy Sunday afternoon. My umpiring hubby is at softball games all day and night, and my youngest daughter has no softball games tonight. So there's no rush to make dinner before games.
I made a big lunch so maybe I'll make a quick, easy dinner.
Even my pets are taking it easy as we watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding and I blog. Here's Bobby whom I caught in the BJ's box I brought home yesterday from our weekly shopping. He's a cat so of course he can't resist a box. My little buddy likes this box better than the catnip toy we bought for him.
He was relaxing until I took the first picture. Maybe the flash woke him up.
Preheat oven to 475 degrees Farenheit.
Meanwhile, place chicken in a glass baking casserole dish. Liberally sprinkle first lemon juice, then black pepper, then Cajun spice over the chicken.
Bake 15 minute.
Turn over and liberally sprinkle the other side of the chicken with lemon juice, black pepper, and Cajun spice.
Bake another 15 minutes.
Serve warm.
(So that I could enjoy Easter with my family, I wrote this post in advance.)
What a lazy Sunday afternoon. My umpiring hubby is at softball games all day and night, and my youngest daughter has no softball games tonight. So there's no rush to make dinner before games.
I made a big lunch so maybe I'll make a quick, easy dinner.
Even my pets are taking it easy as we watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding and I blog. Here's Bobby whom I caught in the BJ's box I brought home yesterday from our weekly shopping. He's a cat so of course he can't resist a box. My little buddy likes this box better than the catnip toy we bought for him.
He was relaxing until I took the first picture. Maybe the flash woke him up.
That flash made him look demonic but he's really a sweetie.
Now you can see his eyes better, without the demonic glow. I should have given him a box for Christmas. He loves it so.
Back to lunch, in addition to Bobby's wonderful box, I bought a lot of fresh chicken at BJ's yesterday. I slept in really late so I didn't have time to look up a recipe. So I made up my own. The kids all gave it a thumbs up.
Fresh chicken enough for your family
lemon juice
Cajun Spice
Preheat oven to 475 degrees Farenheit.
Meanwhile, place chicken in a glass baking casserole dish. Liberally sprinkle first lemon juice, then black pepper, then Cajun spice over the chicken.
Bake 15 minute.
Turn over and liberally sprinkle the other side of the chicken with lemon juice, black pepper, and Cajun spice.
Bake another 15 minutes.
Serve warm.